Printer Squirrel web interface 1.10 beta

Edit people

Edit people

Allows you to edit the details of print clients.


1 . User nameUser name

User name

User name :   The user name as reported by the printer driver as a print job is logged.   This is the same as the name the user is logged in as.   On a network with a domain, these names are listed on the domain controller.   On a network without a domain, the names are user defined.   If users are not logged on to the network, yet still can print (ie; there is no network security), the username is recorded as Anonymous.

You cannot add a new user in the web interface.



2 . NameName


Name :   The full name of the person (eg: John Smith).


3 . GroupGroup


Group :   Select from the drop down list of groups that you have specified.



Created with DrExplain

Copyright LyGil Software 2007