Printer Squirrel web interface

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The Printer Squirrel web interface service allows you to use a web browser to view and change the Printer Squirrel print logging database. Functionality is not as full as Printer Squirrel application, but the web interface allows a convenient way for users to view their printing activity and for administrators to remotely manage Printer Squirrel. 

The web server is loaded onto the Printer Squirrel  logging server as a service, then all you need to do is point your browser at the  Printer Squirrel  logging server.

    Click here to view the demo

The Printer Squirrel web interface is a free download.


Printers screen


31/07/2008 The web interface has been updated to allow access by uses as well as administrators.

By default the Web interface will be in user mode when first opened.  User mode allows access to most functions but will not allow changing of Printer Squirrel data.  You can still login as an administrator to allow you to add change or delete information.

Charts and reports have been added. These show basic but handy information about printer activities.

The idea behind this update is to allow users to easily and quickly check their printing activities. Group administrators can also easily get an idea of printing usage.

Example charts :
Usage by group chart













Pages by month chart

Release notes

1. The web interface runs as a service and must be installed in the same folder as Printer Squirrel. (Usually c:\program files\prnlogserver)

2. The service parameters can be set in the configuration/web section in Printer Squirrel. You will need to stop and restart the web interface service after changing configuration parameters.

Default parameters are:

Listen Port - 80  (Http default)
Username - admin
Password - admin

Restrict IP allows you to restrict the incoming IP address to one machine for security, by default this is turned off.

Refresh interval sets the printers view refresh rate, so that the printer status, jobs in queue etc are up to date. NOT YET IMPLEMENTED

If your listen port is 80, you just need to point your browser URL to the server with the web interface service installed. If you choose another listen port, you will need lo specify the port in the URL eg if your listen port is 88 your URL might be something like
or, Naturally that port must be open if you have a firewall on the web server.

If you need support or have any suggestions for improvement of this product, please contect us at