Working with people

Working with people

People are added to the people table when they are either imported from a domain / active directory controller (global options), or when a new user is detected in a print log. It is inadviseable to add new people directly to the table (Add a person). If you choose to do so the username MUST be exactly the same as the name the user will be logged in as.
Printer Squirrel attempts to resolve the users full name, description and email address from the domain controller when the user is detected. If this is not possible (either because you do not have a domain controller or these details are not entered in the user list) you can enter them here.
You can also query logs based on this information. eg: location = Building 1

1 . PeoplePeople

People Click on the people button on the toolbar.

2 . Edit selected personEdit selected person

Edit selected person Click on Edit selected person

3 . Enter persons detailsEnter persons details

Enter persons details Enter the persons details. How much detail you enter here is up to you, however the more detail the easier it is to query by person (eg: location or description).
You can also assign a person to a group from here.

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