Job details

Job details

Printer name: The user defined name of the virtual printer.
Date: The date the job was printed.
Time: The time the job was printed.
Originator: The machine name of the logging client that sent the job.
Job Id: The jobs Windows spooler ID.
Machine name: The name of the machine that printed the job.
User name: The logged on user that printed the job.
Document name: The name of the printed document.
Priority: The jobs printing priority.
Pages: The number of pages printed.
Page size: The page size of the print job.
Form length: The form length in centimeters.
Form width: The form width in centimeters.
Duplex: Specifies if duplex (double sided) printing was requested.
Mode: Monochrome or color printing.
Orientation: Portrait or landscape printing.
Scale: Printing scale as a percentage.
Copies: Number of copies requested.
Charge: The charge associated with this job.

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