Browse groups

Browse groups

Allows you to add, edit and delete groups of people. All new users are added to the reserved group 'Unassigned to a group'.

1 . MenuMenu

Menu Add a group:      Adds a new group. You can add people to the new group in the edit form.

Change a group : Allows you to change the group name and add or delete people from the group.

Delete a group:      Permanently delete a group. A group must be empty before it can be deleted. The reserved group 'Unassigned to a group' cannot be deleted.

2 . Groups listGroups list

Groups list You can set a sort order by clicking on a field header.Click on a header to sort in ascending order, a second click will sort in descending order.
To add a secondary sort order on another field, Ctrl-click on the desired header.
Shift click on a header to clear sort orders.

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